There I was, about to hear myself say aloud (again) to a fellow coach the importance of letting go of perfection. It’s so easy to see in others when it’s that thing that is holding them back from just doing a little something to make that thing they want to do a little better.
The conversation went a little bit something like this…
WonderWoman (you know who you are):
“I checked out Notion, that app you were telling me about and have watched a few videos online of how to use it, but it can be really intimidating – it’s a really powerful tool and it looks like something I could use to organize all my things but I’d have to learn about it some more before I start using it.”
“I totally get it. I was like that too when I started using it and I’m still not even sure if I am using it “right” however, I find that sometimes, you just have to get in action and start using it and learn as you go. I am still figuring it out, but it’s that idea of letting go of perfection and doing it anyways. Being OK to let it be your “shitty first draft”. Not worrying about whether it is “good enough” or “right” or worrying about not knowing what way you “should” be using it.”
And that is when it hit me.

Total hypocrisy, smack dab in the middle of my face.
Not in a shameful or guilty way, but in a lightbulb, eureka kind of way.
This fear of imperfect action is the exact thing that has been getting in my way of publishing my own website’s blog.
- The wonder and worry of whether I’m doing it “right”.
- Is it going to be “good enough” to share?
- Do I start with just one blog article or do I need to wait until I have a number of articles ready to go?
- Do I post it on my site or do I write for other people to share on their site first?
Why did I not think or notice before that it was that fear of taking imperfect action that was getting in my way of actually just doing the thing!?
So here we are. I couldn’t think of a more appropriate way of breaking the proverbial ice, of celebrating the maiden voyage of the doingGreat! blog page than with this simple little piece on the importance of a few key life lessons.
1) Take imperfect action
How you do that? Well, the ways are as endless as what feels like the end of this blog article. But the following little lessons might get you closer. Even before moving off of this one though, consider those 3 words.
TAKE: That’s a verb meaning to lay hold of (something) with one’s hands; reach for and hold.
That means you get to DO something. Step out of thinking and get into action with your hands! REACH for it. HOLD on to the idea that you are going to DO something here and it ain’t going to be perfect but you are going to do it anyway!
IMPERFECT: This is our adjective being used as: not perfect; faulty or incomplete.
With this little beauty, you are going to lower your expectations of yourself. Plan for that “action” to be a crappy version of itself even. The goal isn’t doing a great job just yet. 😉 The goal is to get out of that stuck-ness you’ve been in and prove yourself wrong. In fact, the thing you have been wanting to accomplish is no longer a “want” or a wish, or a dream. It’s something you are actively working on even if only for the next 5-minutes you’ve decided to dedicate to your noble cause.
ACTION: That’s the noun here that is defined as: the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.
The “thing” is the decision you made to move forward with. This is the desired outcome. Think about why this matters, but don’t think on it too long ’cause the idea here is to move the thing forward!
And if you are reading this and identify as a stickler for grammar and or the use of the English language and judging this whole blog article thus far, I sure hope you get the point about me being in action and practicing what I preach about taking imperfect action.
2. Speak it out loud
Tell someone. Anyone! Ideally, you are going to want someone that will believe in you and your ability to do that thing you want to do. If you are reading this right now and are thinking you don’t know who to tell, then book a call with me and I will be that person for you.
3. Plan to celebrate the imperfect action
We so often get to the end of an action and immediately start judging its worth. Before we even do that, I’m going to suggest we take a moment to pause and reflect on the accomplishment of just taking action and “doing” the thing.
YES, that is worthy of celebration because we are no longer at the place we were before we took action. My gift to myself is going to be celebrated by actually popping this puppy up on my “Blog” page from my site. That’s going to feel amazing for me and if you wish to celebrate with me, please feel free to drop me a line and let me know! You can post a comment here:
And lastly… as I write this, another lightbulb is going off. It was that connection I felt in speaking with Wonderwoman that allowed space and that seedling of an idea to grow and flourish to me being in integrity with myself.
I am someone who wants to do as I say as best as I can, so in hearing myself speak this aloud, and also feel the support and care from another human being made a world of difference.
Not only did they hear me, but also reflected back that they believed I could do it and then continued to hold the space for me to actually do it (they are still here in the Zoom meeting room whilst I write these words).
It is my best hope that this little act of bravery inspires you to do something too; take that next little action in getting unstuck on something you want to do! And if you’d like a hand with any of it, just reach out. Together we are doingGreat!
xo Coach Lisanne
What a great reminder. Thank you!
It’s just so scary to step out and say “it’s ok even if it isn’t perfect.”
“Good enough for now” is a lesson I keep learning too!
Thank you for this, Coach Lisanne! I’ve just read it for the third time, and it’s really sinking in. Bold little steps!